Call a function when meta data for a video is loaded:
<video onloadedmetadata="myFunction()">
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More examples below.
The onloadedmetadata
event occurs when meta data for a media has been loaded.
Meta data for an audio or video consists of:
While loading a media, these events occur in the following order:
Event | Occurs When |
onloadstart | The loading of a media starts |
ondurationchange | The duration of a media is changed |
onloadedmetadata | The meta data for a media has been loaded |
onloadeddata | A media frame is loaded |
onprogress | The browser is loading a media |
oncanplay | An element's scrollbar is being scrolled |
oncanplaythrough | The browser estimates it can play a media |
onplay | A media starts to play |
onplaying | A media starts or resumes |
ontimeupdate | The indicated time is changed |
onended | A media has reached the end |
Events that can occur while a media is loading or playing:
Event | Occurs When |
onabort | The loading of a media is aborted |
onemptied | A media is empty (already loaded) |
onerror | An error occurs while loading a media |
onpause | A media is paused |
onratechange | The playback rate is changed |
onseeked | A user has seeked a new media position |
onseeking | A user start seeking a new media position |
onstalled | Media data is not available |
onsuspend | The browser is not getting the media data |
onvolumechange | The volume of a media is changed |
onwaiting | A media is waiting for the next frame |
In JavaScript, using the addEventListener() method:
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Bubbles: | No |
Cancelable: | No |
Event type: | Event |
HTML tags: | <audio> and <video> |
DOM Version: | Level 3 Events |
Call a function when meta data for an audio is loaded:
<audio onloadedmetadata="myFunction()">
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is a DOM Level 3 (2004) feature.
It is fully supported in all modern browsers:
Chrome | Edge | Firefox | Safari | Opera | IE |
Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | 11 |