
JavaScript RegExp Group [^abc]


Do a global search for characters NOT inside the brackets [h]:

let text = "Is this all there is?";
let pattern = /[^h]/g;
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Brackets [^abc] specifies matches for any character NOT between the brackets.

Brackets can define single characters, groups, or character spans:

[^abc] Not any of the characters a, b, or c
[^A-Z] Not any character from uppercase A to uppercase Z
[^a-z] Not any character from lowercase a to lowercase z
[^A-z] Not any character from uppercase A to lowercase z

Browser Support

/[^abc]/ is an ECMAScript1 (ES1) feature.

ES1 (JavaScript 1997) is fully supported in all browsers:

Chrome Edge Firefox Safari Opera IE
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes


new RegExp("[^ xyz]")

or simply:

/[^ xyz]/

Syntax with modifiers

new RegExp("[^ xyz]", "g")

or simply:

/[^ xyz]/g


Use the [abc] expression to find any character BETWEEN the brackets.

More Examples


Do a global search for characters that are NOT "i" and "s" in a string:

let text = "Do you know if this is all there is?";
let pattern = /[^is]/gi;
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Do a global search for the character-span NOT from lowercase "a" to lowercase "h" in a string:

let text = "Is this all there is?";
let pattern = /[^a-h]/g;
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Do a global search for the character-span NOT from uppercase "A" to uppercase "E":

let text = "I SCREAM FOR ICE CREAM!";
let pattern = /[^A-E]/g;
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Do a global search for the character-span NOT from uppercase "A" to lowercase "e":

let text = "I Scream For Ice Cream, is that OK?!";
let pattern = /[^A-e]/g;
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Tip: Use the [abc] expression to find any character between the brackets.


Do a global, case-insensitive search for the character-span that's NOT [a-s]:

let text = "I Scream For Ice Cream, is that OK?!";
let pattern = /[^a-s]/gi;
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Regular Expression Search Methods

In JavaScript, a regular expression text search, can be done with different methods.

With a pattern as a regular expression, these are the most common methods:

Example Description
text.match(pattern) The String method match()
text.search(pattern) The String method search()
pattern.exec(text) The RexExp method exec()
pattern.test(text) The RegExp method test()