
MouseEvent buttons Property


Which mouse button(s) was pressed?

let value = event.buttons;
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The buttons property returns which mouse buttons are pressed when a mouse event occurs.

The buttons property is mostly used with the onmousedown event.

The buttons property is read-only.



Technical Details

Return Value: A Number.
The mouse buttons that were pressed when the mouse event occured. If more than one button is pressed, the values are added.

  1 : Left mouse button
  2 : Right mouse button
  4 : Wheel or middle button
  8 : Fourth button (Browser Back)
16 : Fifth button (Browser Forward)

For a left-hand configured mouse, the values are reversed.
DOM Version: DOM Level 3 Events

Browser Support

event.buttons is a DOM Level 3 (2004) feature.

It is fully supported in all modern browsers:

Chrome Edge Firefox Safari Opera IE
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