The Anchor object represents an HTML <a> element.
You can access an <a> element by using getElementById():
You can create an <a> element by using the document.createElement() method:
Property | Description |
charset | Not supported in HTML5. Sets or returns the value of the charset attribute of a link |
download | Sets or returns the value of the download attribute of a link |
hash | Sets or returns the anchor part of the href attribute value |
host | Sets or returns the hostname and port part of the href attribute value |
hostname | Sets or returns the hostname part of the href attribute value |
href | Sets or returns the value of the href attribute of a link |
hreflang | Sets or returns the value of the hreflang attribute of a link |
origin | Returns the protocol, hostname and port part of the href attribute value |
name | Not supported in HTML5. Use instead. Sets or returns the value of the name attribute of a link |
password | Sets or returns the password part of the href attribute value |
pathname | Sets or returns the pathname part of the href attribute value |
port | Sets or returns the port part of the href attribute value |
protocol | Sets or returns the protocol part of the href attribute value |
rel | Sets or returns the value of the rel attribute of a link |
rev | Not supported in HTML5. Sets or returns the value of the rev attribute of a link |
search | Sets or returns the querystring part of the href attribute value |
target | Sets or returns the value of the target attribute of a link |
text | Sets or returns the text content of a link |
type | Sets or returns the value of the type attribute of a link |
username | Sets or returns the username part of the href attribute value |
The Anchor object also supports the standard properties and events.
HTML tutorial: HTML links
HTML reference: HTML <a> tag