
HTML DOM Document adoptNode()


Adopt the first <h1> element that appears in an iframe (another document):

const frame = document.getElementById("myFrame");
const h1 = frame.contentWindow.document.getElementsByTagName("H1")[0];
const node = document.adoptNode(h1);
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The adoptNode() method adopts a node from another document.


The adopted node can be of all types.

Any child nodes (descendants) of the adopted node, are also adopted.

The original node (with child nodes) is removed from the other document.

See Also:

The Document importNode() Method

The Element cloneNode() Method


document.adoptNode( node)


Parameter Description
node  Required.
A node from another document.
Can be of any node type.

Return Value

Type Description
Node The adopted node.

Browser Support

document.adoptNode is a DOM Level 3 (2004) feature.

It is fully supported in all modern browsers:

Chrome Edge Firefox Safari Opera IE
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 11