
JavaScript String padStart()


Pad a string with "0" until it reaches the length 4:

let text = "5";
let padded = text.padStart(4,"0");
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Pad a string with "x" until it reaches the length 4:

let text = "5";
let padded = text.padStart(4,"x");
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The padStart() method pads a string from the start.

The padStart() method pads a string with another string (multiple times) until it reaches a given length.

See Also:

The padEnd() Method

The trim() Method

The trimEnd() Method

The trimStart() Method


The padStart() method is a string method.

To pad a number, convert the number to a string first.

See the example below.


let numb = 5;
let text = numb.toString();
let padded = text.padStart(4,"0");
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string.padStart( length, string)


Parameter Description
length Required.
The length of the resulting string.
string Optional.
The string to pad with.
Default is space.

Return Value

Type Description
A string A String of the specified length, with the padding applied from the start.

Browser Support

padStart() is an ECMAScript7 (ES7) feature.

ES7 (JavaScript 2016) is supported in all modern browsers:

Chrome Edge Firefox Safari Opera
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

padStart() is not supported in internet Explorer or Edge 17 (or earlier).