The IFrame object represents an HTML <iframe> element.
You can access an <iframe> element by using getElementById():
Tip: You can also access an <iframe> element by using the window.frames property.
You can create an <iframe> element by using the document.createElement() method:
Property | Description |
align | Not supported in HTML5. Use style.cssFloat instead. Sets or returns the value of the align attribute in an iframe |
contentDocument | Returns the document object generated by an iframe |
contentWindow | Returns the window object generated by an iframe |
frameBorder | Not supported in HTML5. Use style.border instead. Sets or returns the value of the frameborder attribute in an iframe |
height | Sets or returns the value of the height attribute in an iframe |
longDesc | Not supported in HTML5. Sets or returns the value of the longdesc attribute in an iframe |
marginHeight | Not supported in HTML5. Use style.margin instead. Sets or returns the value of the marginheight attribute in an iframe |
marginWidth | Not supported in HTML5. Use style.margin instead. Sets or returns the value of the marginwidth attribute in an iframe |
name | Sets or returns the value of the name attribute in an iframe |
sandbox | Returns the value of the sandbox attribute in an iframe |
scrolling | Not supported in HTML5. Sets or returns the value of the scrolling attribute in an iframe |
seamless | Sets or returns whether an iframe should look like it is a part of the containing document (no borders or scrollbars), or not |
src | Sets or returns the value of the src attribute in an iframe |
srcdoc | Sets or returns the value of the srcdoc attribute in an iframe |
width | Sets or returns the value of the width attribute in an iframe |
The IFrame object also supports the standard properties and events.
HTML reference: HTML <iframe> tag