All event objects in the HTML DOM are based on the Event Object.
All event objects (like MouseEvent and KeyboardEvent) has access to the Event Object's properties and methods.
Event | Occurs When |
abort | The loading of a media is aborted |
afterprint | A page has started printing |
beforeprint | A page is about to be printed |
beforeunload | Before the document is about to be unloaded |
canplay | The browser can start playing a media (has buffered enough to begin) |
canplaythrough | The browser can play through a media without stopping for buffering |
change | The content of a form element have changed |
ended | A media has reach the end ("thanks for listening") |
error | An error has occurred while loading a file |
fullscreenchange | An element is displayed in fullscreen mode |
fullscreenerror | An element can not be displayed in fullscreen mode |
input | An element gets user input |
invalid | An element is invalid |
load | An object has loaded |
loadeddata | Media data is loaded |
loadedmetadata | Meta data (like dimensions and duration) are loaded |
message | A message is received through the event source |
offline | The browser starts working offline |
online | the browser starts working online |
open | A connection with the event source is opened |
pause | A media is paused |
play | A media has started or is no longer paused |
playing | A media is playing after beeing paused or buffered |
progress | The browser is downloading media data |
ratechange | The playing speed of a media is changed |
resize | The document view is resized |
reset | A form is reset |
scroll | A scrollbar is being scrolled |
search | Something is written in a search field |
seeked | Skipping to a new position is finished |
seeking | Skipping to a new position is started |
select | A user selects some text |
show | A <menu> element is shown as a context menu |
stalled | The browser is trying to get unavailable media data |
submit | A form is submitted |
suspend | The browser is intentionally not getting media data |
timeupdate | The playing position has changed (the user moves to a different point in the media) |
toggle | The user opens or closes a <details> element |
unload | A page has unloaded |
waiting | A media is paused but is expected to resume (e.g. buffering) |
volumechange | The volume of a media is changed (includes muting) |
All event objects in the HTML DOM are based on the Event Object.
All event objects (like MouseEvent and KeyboardEvent) has access to the Event Object's properties and methods.
Property/Method | Description |
bubbles | Returns whether or not a specific event is a bubbling event |
cancelBubble | Sets or returns whether the event should propagate up the hierarchy or not |
cancelable | Returns whether or not an event can have its default action prevented |
composed | Returns whether the event is composed or not |
createEvent() | Creates a new event |
composedPath() | Returns the event's path |
currentTarget | Returns the element whose event listeners triggered the event |
defaultPrevented | Returns whether or not the preventDefault() method was called for the event |
eventPhase | Returns which phase of the event flow is currently being evaluated |
isTrusted | Returns whether or not an event is trusted |
preventDefault() | Cancels the event if it is cancelable, meaning that the default action that belongs to the event will not occur |
stopImmediatePropagation() | Prevents other listeners of the same event from being called |
stopPropagation() | Prevents further propagation of an event during event flow |
target | Returns the element that triggered the event |
timeStamp | Returns the time (in milliseconds relative to the epoch) at which the event was created |
type | Returns the name of the event |