
HTML DOM Document embeds


Number of <embed> elements in a document:

let num = document.embeds.length;
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The embeds property returns a collection of all <embed> elements in the document.

The embeds property is read-only.


Most browsers no longer support embedded Applets or Plug-ins.

Embedded ActiveX controls are no longer supported in any browsers.

Shockwave Flash has also been turned off in modern browsers.


To embed a picture, use the <img> tag.

To embed HTML, use the <iframe> tag.

To embed video or audio, use a <video> or <audio> tag.

See Also:

The HTML DOM Embed Object

The HTML <embed> tag




Property Description
length The number of <embed> elements in the collection.


Method Description
[index] Returns the element with the specified index (starts at 0).
Returns null if the index is out of range.
item(index) Returns the element with the specified index (starts at 0).
Returns null if the index is out of range.
namedItem(id) Returns the element with the specified id.
Returns null if the id does not exist.

Return Value

Type Description
Node list An HTMLCollection.
All <embed> elements in the document.
Sorted as they appear in the source code.

Browser Support

document.embeds is a DOM Level 3 (2004) feature.

It is fully supported in all modern browsers:

Chrome Edge Firefox Safari Opera IE
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 11