
HTML DOM audio 对象


Audio 对象代表一个 HTML <audio> 元素。


您可以使用 getElementById() 访问 <audio> 元素:


var x = document.getElementById("myAudio");
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您可以使用 document.createElement() 方法创建 <audio> 元素:


var x = document.createElement("AUDIO");
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Property Description
audioTracks Returns an AudioTrackList object representing available audio tracks
autoplay Sets or returns whether the audio should start playing as soon as it is ready
buffered Returns a TimeRanges object representing the buffered parts of an audio
controller Returns the MediaController object representing the current media controller of an audio
controls Sets or returns whether an audio should have controls displayed (play/pause etc)
crossOrigin Sets or returns the CORS settings of an audio
currentSrc Returns the URL of the current audio
currentTime Sets or returns the current playback position in an audio (in seconds)
defaultMuted Sets or returns whether the audio should be muted by default
defaultPlaybackRate Sets or returns whether the default playback speed of the audio
duration Returns the length of an audio(in seconds)
ended Returns whether the playback of the audio has ended
error Returns a MediaError object representing the error state of the audio
loop Sets or returns whether the audio should start playing over again, every time it is finished
mediaGroup Sets or returns the name of the media group the audio(s) is a part of
muted Sets or returns whether the sound should be turned off
networkState Returns the current network state of an audio
paused Returns whether an audio is paused
playbackRate Sets or returns the speed of the audio playback
played Returns a TimeRanges object representing the played parts of the audio
preload Sets or returns the value of the preload attribute of an audio
readyState Returns the current ready state of an audio
seekable Returns a TimeRanges object representing the seekable parts of an audio
seeking Returns whether the user is currently seeking in the audio
src Sets or returns the value of the src attribute of an audio
textTracks Returns a TextTrackList object representing the available text tracks
volume Sets or returns the audio volume of an audio


Method Description
addTextTrack() Adds a new text track to the audio
canPlayType() Checks whether the browser can play the specified audio type
fastSeek() Seeks to a specified time in the audio player
getStartDate() Returns a new Date object, representing the current timeline offset
load() Re-loads the audio element
play() Starts playing the audio
pause() Pauses the currently playing audio


Audio 对象还支持标准特性事件


HTML 教程:HTML5 音频

HTML 参考:HTML <音频> 标签