
HTML DOM tr 对象


TableRow 对象表示 HTML <tr> 元素。

访问 TableRow 对象

您可以使用 getElementById() 访问 <tr> 元素:


var x = document.getElementById("myTr");
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提示:您还可以通过搜索来访问 <tr> 元素一个表的集合。

创建 TableRow 对象

您可以使用 document.createElement() 方法创建 <tr> 元素:


var x = document.createElement("TR");
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TableRow 对象集合

Collection Description
cells Returns a collection of all <td> or <th> elements in a table row

TableRow 对象属性

Property Description
align Not supported in HTML5. Use style.textAlign instead.
Sets or returns the horizontal alignment of the content within a table row
bgColor Not supported in HTML5. Use style.backgroundColor instead.
Sets or returns the background color of a table row
ch Not supported in HTML5.
Sets or returns an alignment character for cells in a table row
chOff Not supported in HTML5.
Sets or returns the horizontal offset of the ch property
height Not supported in HTML5. Use style.height instead.
Sets or returns the height of a table row.
rowIndex Returns the position of a row in the rows collection of a table
sectionRowIndex Returns the position of a row in the rows collection of a tbody, thead, or tfoot
vAlign Not supported in HTML5. Use style.verticalAlign instead.
Sets or returns the vertical alignment of the content within a table row

TableRow 对象方法

Method Description
deleteCell() Deletes a cell from the current table row
insertCell() Inserts a cell into the current table row


TableRow 对象还支持标准特性事件



HTML 参考:HTML <tr> 标签