
HTML DOM table 对象


Table 对象代表一个 HTML <table> 元素。


您可以使用 getElementById() 访问 <table> 元素:


var x = document.getElementById("myTable");
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您可以使用 document.createElement() 方法创建 <table> 元素:


var x = document.createElement("TABLE");
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Collection Description
rows Returns a collection of all <tr> elements in a table
tBodies Returns a collection of all <tbody> elements in a table


Property Description
align Not supported in HTML5. Use style.cssFloat instead.
Sets or returns the alignment of a table according to surrounding text
background Not supported in HTML5. Use style.background instead.
Sets or returns the background image of a table
bgColor Not supported in HTML5. Use style.backgroundColor instead.
Sets or returns the background color of a table
border Deprecated. Use style.border instead.
Sets or returns the width of the table border.
caption Returns the <caption> element of a table
cellPadding Not supported in HTML5. Use style.padding instead.
Sets or returns the amount of space between the cell border and cell content
cellSpacing Not supported in HTML5. Use style.borderSpacing instead.
Sets or returns the amount of space between the cells in a table
frame Not supported in HTML5.
Sets or returns which outer-borders (of a table) that should be displayed
height Not supported in HTML5. Use style.height instead.
Sets or returns the height of a table
rules Not supported in HTML5.
Sets or returns which inner-borders (between the cells) that should be displayed in a table
summary Not supported in HTML5.
Sets or returns a description of the data in a table
tFoot Returns a reference to the <tfoot> element of a table
tHead Returns a reference to the <thead> element of a table
width Not supported in HTML5. Use style.width instead.
Sets or returns the width of the table


Method Description
createCaption() Creates an empty <caption> element and adds it to the table
createTFoot() Creates an empty <tfoot> element and adds it to the table
createTHead() Creates an empty <thead> element and adds it to the table
deleteCaption() Removes the first <caption> element from the table
deleteRow() Removes a row (<tr>) from the table
deleteTFoot() Removes the <tfoot> element from the table
deleteTHead() Removes the <thead> element from the table
insertRow() Creates an empty <tr> element and adds it to the table


Table 对象还支持标准特性事件



HTML 参考:HTML <表> 标签