
HTML DOM input search 对象


输入搜索对象表示 type="search" 的 HTML <input> 元素。


您可以使用 getElementById() 访问 type="search" 的 <input> 元素:


var x = document.getElementById("mySearch");
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提示:您还可以通过搜索来访问 <input type="search">元素表格的集合。


您可以使用 document.createElement() 方法创建 type="search" 的 <input> 元素:


var x = document.createElement("INPUT");
x.setAttribute("type", "search");
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Property Description
autocomplete Sets or returns the value of the autocomplete attribute of a search field
autofocus Sets or returns whether a search field should automatically get focus when the page loads
defaultValue Sets or returns the default value of a search field
disabled Sets or returns whether a search field is disabled, or not
form Returns a reference to the form that contains the search field
list Returns a reference to the datalist that contains the search field
maxLength Sets or returns the value of the maxlength attribute of a search field
name Sets or returns the value of the name attribute of a search field
pattern Sets or returns the value of the pattern attribute of a search field
placeholder Sets or returns the value of the placeholder attribute of a search field
readOnly Sets or returns whether the search field is read-only, or not
required Sets or returns whether the search field must be filled out before submitting a form
size Sets or returns the value of the size attribute of the search field
type Returns which type of form element the search field is
value Sets or returns the value of the value attribute of a search field


Method Description
blur() Removes focus from a search field
focus() Gives focus to a search field
select() Selects the content of a search text field





HTML 参考:HTML <输入> 标签

HTML 参考:HTML <input> 类型属性