Vue 组件实例


Vue 在组件实例中有一组对象。

Object Description
$attrs Represents the fallthrough attributes and event listeners set on the component tag.
$data Represents the properties stored in the data part of the Vue instance.
$el Represents the root DOM node of the Vue component.
$parent Represents the Vue instance of the parent component.
$props Represents the props declared in the receiving component.
$refs Represents the DOM elements marked with the built-in 'ref' attribute.
$root Represents the Vue instance of the root component of the total Vue application.
$slots Represents the slots provided by the parent component.


Vue 在组件实例中有一组方法,可以通过“this”关键字来访问。

Method Description
$emit() triggers a custom event that is used to communicate up to the parent component
$forceUpdate() forces a re-render of the Vue application
$nextTick() waits for the DOM update cycle of the current Vue component to finish before executing
$watch() is used to create watchers, and returns a stop function we can use to stop the watcher