File 对象用于返回有关指定文件的信息。
File 对象用于返回有关指定文件的信息。
要使用 File 对象的属性和方法,您必须通过 FileSystemObject 对象创建 File 对象的实例。第一的;创建一个FileSystemObject 对象,然后通过FileSystemObject 对象的GetFile 方法或通过Folder 对象的Files 属性实例化File 对象。
以下代码使用 FileSystemObject 对象的 GetFile 方法实例化 File 对象,并使用 DateCreated 属性返回创建指定文件的日期:
Dim fs,f
Set fs=Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set f=fs.GetFile("c:\test.txt")
Response.Write("File created: " & f.DateCreated)
set f=nothing
set fs=nothing
显示示例 »
Property | Description |
Attributes | Sets or returns the attributes of a specified file |
DateCreated | Returns the date and time when a specified file was created |
DateLastAccessed | Returns the date and time when a specified file was last accessed |
DateLastModified | Returns the date and time when a specified file was last modified |
Drive | Returns the drive letter of the drive where a specified file or folder resides |
Name | Sets or returns the name of a specified file |
ParentFolder | Returns the folder object for the parent of the specified file |
Path | Returns the path for a specified file |
ShortName | Returns the short name of a specified file (the 8.3 naming convention) |
ShortPath | Returns the short path of a specified file (the 8.3 naming convention) |
Size | Returns the size, in bytes, of a specified file |
Type | Returns the type of a specified file |
Method | Description |
Copy | Copies a specified file from one location to another |
Delete | Deletes a specified file |
Move | Moves a specified file from one location to another |
OpenAsTextStream | Opens a specified file and returns a TextStream object to access the file |