ADO Command 对象用于对数据库执行单个查询。查询可以执行创建、添加、检索、删除或更新记录等操作。
如果查询用于检索数据,则数据将以 RecordSet 对象的形式返回。这意味着检索到的数据可以通过 Recordset 对象的属性、集合、方法和事件进行操作。
Command 对象的主要功能是能够使用带参数的存储查询和过程。
set objCommand=Server.CreateObject("ADODB.command")
Property | Description |
ActiveConnection | Sets or returns a definition for a connection if the connection is closed, or the current Connection object if the connection is open |
CommandText | Sets or returns a provider command |
CommandTimeout | Sets or returns the number of seconds to wait while attempting to execute a command |
CommandType | Sets or returns the type of a Command object |
Name | Sets or returns the name of a Command object |
Prepared | Sets or returns a Boolean value that, if set to True, indicates that the command should save a prepared version of the query before the first execution |
State | Returns a value that describes if the Command object is open, closed, connecting, executing or retrieving data |
Method | Description |
Cancel | Cancels an execution of a method |
CreateParameter | Creates a new Parameter object |
Execute | Executes the query, SQL statement or procedure in the CommandText property |
Collection | Description |
Parameters | Contains all the Parameter objects of a Command Object |
Properties | Contains all the Property objects of a Command Object |