ADO 错误对象


ADO Error 对象包含有关在单个操作期间生成的数据访问错误的详细信息。

ADO 为每个错误生成一个 Error 对象。每个 Error 对象都包含特定错误的详细信息,并存储在 Errors 集合中。要访问错误,您必须引用特定连接。

要循环访问 Errors 集合:

for each objErr in objConn.Errors
  response.write("Description: ")
  response.write(objErr.Description & "<br>")
  response.write("Help context: ")
  response.write(objErr.HelpContext & "<br>")
  response.write("Help file: ")
  response.write(objErr.HelpFile & "<br>")
  response.write("Native error: ")
  response.write(objErr.NativeError & "<br>")
  response.write("Error number: ")
  response.write(objErr.Number & "<br>")
  response.write("Error source: ")
  response.write(objErr.Source & "<br>")
  response.write("SQL state: ")
  response.write(objErr.SQLState & "<br>")



Property Description
Description Returns an error description
HelpContext Returns the context ID of a topic in the Microsoft Windows help system
HelpFile Returns the full path of the help file in the Microsoft Windows help system
NativeError Returns an error code from the provider or the data source
Number Returns a unique number that identifies the error
Source Returns the name of the object or application that generated the error
SQLState Returns a 5-character SQL error code