ADO 记录集对象


ADO Recordset 对象用于保存数据库表中的一组记录。 Recordset 对象由记录和列(字段)组成。

在 ADO 中,该对象是最重要的,也是最常用于操作数据库中的数据的对象。


set objRecordset=Server.CreateObject("ADODB.recordset")

Recordset 对象可以支持两种类型的更新:

  • 即时更新- 一旦调用 Update 方法,所有更改都会立即写入数据库。
  • 批量更新- 提供程序将缓存多个更改,然后使用 UpdateBatch 方法将它们发送到数据库。

在 ADO 中定义了 4 种不同的游标类型:

  • 动态光标- 允许您查看其他用户的添加、更改和删除。
  • 键集光标 -与动态游标类似,不同之处在于您无法看到其他用户添加的内容,并且它会阻止访问其他用户已删除的记录。其他用户的数据更改仍然可见。
  • 静态光标- 提供记录集的静态副本,供您用来查找数据或生成报告。其他用户的添加、更改或删除将不可见。这是打开客户端 Recordset 对象时允许的唯一游标类型。
  • 只进光标- 允许您仅向前滚动记录集。其他用户的添加、更改或删除将不可见。

光标类型可以通过 CursorType 属性或 Open 方法中的 CursorType 参数设置。

笔记:并非所有提供程序都支持 Recordset 对象的所有方法或属性。


Property Description
AbsolutePage Sets or returns a value that specifies the page number in the Recordset object
AbsolutePosition Sets or returns a value that specifies the ordinal position of the current record in the Recordset object
ActiveCommand Returns the Command object associated with the Recordset
ActiveConnection Sets or returns a definition for a connection if the connection is closed, or the current Connection object if the connection is open
BOF Returns true if the current record position is before the first record, otherwise false
Bookmark Sets or returns a bookmark. The bookmark saves the position of the current record
CacheSize Sets or returns the number of records that can be cached
CursorLocation Sets or returns the location of the cursor service
CursorType Sets or returns the cursor type of a Recordset object
DataMember Sets or returns the name of the data member that will be retrieved from the object referenced by the DataSource property
DataSource Specifies an object containing data to be represented as a Recordset object
EditMode Returns the editing status of the current record
EOF Returns true if the current record position is after the last record, otherwise false
Filter Sets or returns a filter for the data in a Recordset object
Index Sets or returns the name of the current index for a Recordset object
LockType Sets or returns a value that specifies the type of locking when editing a record in a Recordset
MarshalOptions Sets or returns a value that specifies which records are to be returned to the server
MaxRecords Sets or returns the maximum number of records to return to a Recordset object from a query
PageCount Returns the number of pages with data in a Recordset object
PageSize Sets or returns the maximum number of records allowed on a single page of a Recordset object
RecordCount Returns the number of records in a Recordset object
Sort Sets or returns the field names in the Recordset to sort on
Source Sets a string value or a Command object reference, or returns a String value that indicates the data source of the Recordset object
State Returns a value that describes if the Recordset object is open, closed, connecting, executing or retrieving data
Status Returns the status of the current record with regard to batch updates or other bulk operations
StayInSync Sets or returns whether the reference to the child records will change when the parent record position changes


Method Description
AddNew Creates a new record
Cancel Cancels an execution
CancelBatch Cancels a batch update

Cancels changes made to a record of a Recordset object

Clone Creates a duplicate of an existing Recordset
Close Closes a Recordset
CompareBookmarks Compares two bookmarks
Delete Deletes a record or a group of records
Find Searches for a record in a Recordset that satisfies a specified criteria
GetRows Copies multiple records from a Recordset object into a two-dimensional array
GetString Returns a Recordset as a string
Move Moves the record pointer in a Recordset object
MoveFirst Moves the record pointer to the first record
MoveLast Moves the record pointer to the last record
MoveNext Moves the record pointer to the next record
MovePrevious Moves the record pointer to the previous record
NextRecordset Clears the current Recordset object and returns the next Recordset object by looping through a series of commands
Open Opens a database element that gives you access to records in a table, the results of a query, or to a saved Recordset
Requery Updates the data in a Recordset by re-executing the query that made the original Recordset
Resync Refreshes the data in the current Recordset from the original database
Save Saves a Recordset object to a file or a Stream object
Seek Searches the index of a Recordset to find a record that matches the specified values
Supports Returns a boolean value that defines whether or not a Recordset object supports a specific type of functionality
Update Saves all changes made to a single record  in a Recordset object
UpdateBatch Saves all changes in a Recordset to the database. Used when working in batch update mode


笔记:不能使用 VBScript 或 JScript 处理事件(只有 Visual Basic、Visual C++ 和 Visual J++ 语言可以处理事件)。

Event Description
EndOfRecordset Triggered when you try to move to a record after the last record
FetchComplete Triggered after all records in an asynchronous operation have been fetched
FetchProgress Triggered periodically in an asynchronous operation, to state how many more records that have been fetched
FieldChangeComplete Triggered after the value of a Field object change
MoveComplete Triggered after the current position in the Recordset has changed
RecordChangeComplete Triggered after a record has changed
RecordsetChangeComplete Triggered after the Recordset has changed
WillChangeField Triggered before the value of a Field object change
WillChangeRecord Triggered before a record change
WillChangeRecordset Triggered before a Recordset change
WillMove Triggered before the current position in the Recordset changes


Collection Description
Fields Indicates the number of Field objects in the Recordset object
Properties Contains all the Property objects in the Recordset object

Fields 集合的属性

Property Description
Count Returns the number of items in the fields collection. Starts at zero.



Item(named_item/number) Returns a specified item in the fields collection.




Property Description
Count Returns the number of items in the properties collection. Starts at zero.



Item(named_item/number) Returns a specified item in the properties collection.


itemprop = rs.Properties.Item(1)