
PHP 关键字

PHP 关键字

PHP 有一组关键字是保留字,不能用作函数名、类名或方法名。在 PHP 7 之前,这些关键字也不能用作类属性名称:

Keyword Description
abstract Declare a class as abstract
and A logical operator
as Used in the foreach loop
break Break out of loops and switch statements
callable A data type which can be executed as a function
case Used in the switch conditional
catch Used in the try..catch statement
class Declare a class
clone Create a copy of an object
const Define a class constant
continue Jump to the next iteration of a loop
declare Set directives for a block of code
default Used in the switch statement
do Create a do...while loop
echo Output text
else Used in conditional statements
elseif Used in conditional statements
empty Check if an expression is empty
enddeclare End a declare block
endfor End a for block
endforeach End a foreach block
endif End an if or elseif block
endswitch End a switch block
endwhile End a while block
extends Extends a class or interface
final Declare a class, property or method as final
finally Used in the try...catch statement
fn Declare an arrow function
for Create a for loop
foreach Create a foreach loop
function Create a function
global Import variables from the global scope
goto Jump to a line of code
if Create a conditional statement
implements Implement an interface
include Embed code from another file
include_once Embed code from another file
instanceof Test an object's class
insteadof Resolve conflicts with traits
interface Declare an interface
isset Check if a variable exists and is not null
list Assigns array elements into variables
namespace Declares a namespace
new Creates an object
or A logical operator
print Output text
private Declare a property, method or constant as private
protected Declare a property, method or constant as protected
public Declare a property, method or constant as public
require Embed code from another file
require_once Embed code from another file
return Exit a function and return a value
static Declare a property or method as static
switch Create a switch block
throw Throw an exception
trait Declare a trait
try Create a try...catch structure
unset Delete a variable or array element
use Use a namespace
var Declare a variable
while Create a while loop or end a do...while loop
xor A logical operator
yield Used in generator functions
yield from Used in generator functions