FTP 功能使客户端可以通过文件传输协议(FTP) 访问文件服务器。
FTP 功能用于打开、登录和关闭连接,以及从文件服务器上传、下载、重命名、删除和获取文件信息。并非所有 FTP 功能都适用于每个服务器或返回相同的结果。 PHP 3 中提供了 FTP 功能。
如果您只想读取或写入 FTP 服务器上的文件,请考虑使用 ftp:// 包装器和文件系统函数,它提供更简单、更直观的界面。
为了使这些功能发挥作用,您必须使用 --enable-ftp 编译 PHP。
Windows 版本的 PHP 内置了对此扩展的支持。
Function | Description |
ftp_alloc() | Allocates space for a file to be uploaded to the FTP server |
ftp_cdup() | Changes to the parent directory on the FTP server |
ftp_chdir() | Changes the current directory on the FTP server |
ftp_chmod() | Sets permissions on a file via FTP |
ftp_close() | Closes an FTP connection |
ftp_connect() | Opens an FTP connection |
ftp_delete() | Deletes a file on the FTP server |
ftp_exec() | Executes a command on the FTP server |
ftp_fget() | Downloads a file from the FTP server and saves it into an open local file |
ftp_fput() | Uploads from an open file and saves it to a file on the FTP server |
ftp_get() | Downloads a file from the FTP server |
ftp_get_option() | Returns runtime options of the FTP connection |
ftp_login() | Logs in to the FTP connection |
ftp_mdtm() | Returns the last modified time of a specified file |
ftp_mkdir() | Creates a new directory on the FTP server |
ftp_mlsd() | Returns the list of files in the specified directory |
ftp_nb_continue() | Continues retrieving/sending a file (non-blocking) |
ftp_nb_fget() | Downloads a file from the FTP server and saves it into an open file (non-blocking) |
ftp_nb_fput() | Uploads from an open file and saves it to a file on the FTP server (non-blocking) |
ftp_nb_get() | Downloads a file from the FTP server (non-blocking) |
ftp_nb_put() | Uploads a file to the FTP server (non-blocking) |
ftp_nlist() | Returns a list of files in the specified directory on the FTP server |
ftp_pasv() | Turns passive mode on or off |
ftp_put() | Uploads a file to the FTP server |
ftp_pwd() | Returns the current directory name |
ftp_quit() | Alias of ftp_close() |
ftp_raw() | Sends a raw command to the FTP server |
ftp_rawlist() | Returns a list of files with file information from a specified directory |
ftp_rename() | Renames a file or directory on the FTP server |
ftp_rmdir() | Deletes an empty directory on the FTP server |
ftp_set_option() | Sets runtime options for the FTP connection |
ftp_site() | Sends an FTP SITE command to the FTP server |
ftp_size() | Returns the size of the specified file |
ftp_ssl_connect() | Opens a secure SSL-FTP connection |
ftp_systype() | Returns the system type identifier of the FTP server |
Constant | Type | Description |
FTP_ASCII | Integer | |
FTP_AUTOSEEK | Integer | |
FTP_AUTORESUME | Integer | |
FTP_BINARY | Integer | |
FTP_FAILED | Integer | Asynchronous transfer has failed |
FTP_FINISHED | Integer | Asynchronous transfer is completed |
FTP_IMAGE | Integer | Alias of FTP_BINARY |
FTP_MOREDATA | Integer | Asynchronous transfer is in progress |
FTP_TEXT | Integer | Alias of FTP_ASCII |
FTP_TIMEOUT_SEC | Integer | The timeout used for network operations |