在这一章中,我们将使用 RGB LED 和 PWM(脉宽调制)来根据用户通过 WebSocket 输入的输入显示不同的颜色。
RGB LED 是具有 3 种不同颜色的 LED。它具有红色、绿色和蓝色 LED (RGB LED)。
使用 PWM,我们可以设置 3 个 LED 的单独强度。这将允许我们混合它们,设置颜色。
在本章中,我们将创建一个示例,通过 WebSocket 使用网页控制 RGB LED。
笔记:您需要的电阻器可能与我们使用的不同,具体取决于您使用的 LED 类型。大多数小型 LED 仅需要一个小电阻,大约 200-500 欧姆。通常使用的具体值并不重要,但电阻值越小,LED 就会越亮。
之前,我们使用了 "onoff" 模块,它非常适合打开和关闭。现在我们想要设置 LED 的强度,因此我们需要一个具有更多功能的 GPIO 模块。
我们将使用 "pigpio" Node.js 模块,因为它允许 PWM。
通过 PWM,我们可以将 LED 的强度设置为 0 到 255。
"pigpio" Node.js 模块基于 Pigpio C 库。
如果您使用的是 "Lite" 版本的 Raspbian,则很可能不包含此版本,必须手动安装。
pi@w3demopi:~ $ sudo apt-get update
安装 Pigpio C 库:
pi@w3demopi:~ $ sudo apt-get install pigpio
现在我们可以使用 npm 安装 "pigpio" Node.js 模块:
pi@w3demopi:~ $ npm install pigpio
现在 "pigpio" 模块应该已安装,我们可以使用它与 Raspberry Pi 的 GPIO 进行交互。
笔记:由于 "pigpio" 模块使用 Pigpio C 库,因此需要 root/sudo 权限才能访问硬件外设(如 GPIO)。
如果您不熟悉电子产品,我们建议您关闭 Raspberry Pi 的电源。并使用防静电垫或接地带以避免损坏。
使用以下命令正确关闭 Raspberry Pi:
pi@w3demopi:~ $ sudo shutdown -h now
当 Raspberry Pi 上的 LED 停止闪烁后,从 Raspberry Pi 上拔下电源插头(或关闭其连接的电源板)。
在构建此电路时,重要的是要知道您是否有共阳极或共阴极 RGB LED:
将电缆连接至 GND 和 3.3V 引脚。将 GND 连接到 RGB LED 的最长引脚,将 3.3 V 连接到任何其他引脚。如果它亮起,则说明您的 RGB LED 具有共阴极。如果没有,它有一个公共阳极。
现在是时候启动 Raspberry Pi 并编写 Node.js 脚本与其交互了。
现在是时候启动 Raspberry Pi 并编写 Node.js 脚本与其交互了。
转到 "nodetest" 目录,然后创建一个名为“rgbws.js
pi@w3demopi:~ $ nano rgbws.js
该文件现已打开,可以使用内置的 Nano 编辑器进行编辑。
var http = require('http').createServer(handler); //require http server, and create server with function handler()
var fs = require('fs'); //require filesystem module
var io = require('socket.io')(http) //require socket.io module and pass the http object (server)
var Gpio = require('pigpio').Gpio, //include pigpio to interact with the GPIO
ledRed = new Gpio(4, {mode: Gpio.OUTPUT}), //use GPIO pin 4 as output for RED
ledGreen = new Gpio(17, {mode: Gpio.OUTPUT}), //use GPIO pin 17 as output for GREEN
ledBlue = new Gpio(27, {mode: Gpio.OUTPUT}), //use GPIO pin 27 as output for BLUE
redRGB = 0, //set starting value of RED variable to off (0 for common cathode)
greenRGB = 0, //set starting value of GREEN variable to off (0 for common cathode)
blueRGB = 0; //set starting value of BLUE variable to off (0 for common cathode)
ledRed.digitalWrite(0); // Turn RED LED off
ledGreen.digitalWrite(0); // Turn GREEN LED off
ledBlue.digitalWrite(0); // Turn BLUE LED off
http.listen(8080); //listen to port 8080
function handler (req, res) { //what to do on requests to port 8080
fs.readFile(__dirname + '/public/rgb.html', function(err, data) { //read file rgb.html in public folder
if (err) {
res.writeHead(404, {'Content-Type': 'text/html'}); //display 404 on error
return res.end("404 Not Found");
res.writeHead(200, {'Content-Type': 'text/html'}); //write HTML
res.write(data); //write data from rgb.html
return res.end();
io.sockets.on('connection', function (socket) {// Web Socket Connection
socket.on('rgbLed', function(data) { //get light switch status from client
console.log(data); //output data from WebSocket connection to console
//for common cathode RGB LED 0 is fully off, and 255 is fully on
ledRed.pwmWrite(redRGB); //set RED LED to specified value
ledGreen.pwmWrite(greenRGB); //set GREEN LED to specified value
ledBlue.pwmWrite(blueRGB); //set BLUE LED to specified value
process.on('SIGINT', function () { //on ctrl+c
ledRed.digitalWrite(0); // Turn RED LED off
ledGreen.digitalWrite(0); // Turn GREEN LED off
ledBlue.digitalWrite(0); // Turn BLUE LED off
process.exit(); //exit completely
保存代码。确认使用 "y
",并确认名称使用 "Enter
var http = require('http').createServer(handler); //require http server, and create server with function handler()
var fs = require('fs'); //require filesystem module
var io = require('socket.io')(http) //require socket.io module and pass the http object (server)
var Gpio = require('pigpio').Gpio, //include pigpio to interact with the GPIO
ledRed = new Gpio(4, {mode: Gpio.OUTPUT}), //use GPIO pin 4 as output for RED
ledGreen = new Gpio(17, {mode: Gpio.OUTPUT}), //use GPIO pin 17 as output for GREEN
ledBlue = new Gpio(27, {mode: Gpio.OUTPUT}), //use GPIO pin 27 as output for BLUE
redRGB = 255, //set starting value of RED variable to off (255 for common anode)
greenRGB = 255, //set starting value of GREEN variable to off (255 for common anode)
blueRGB = 255; //set starting value of BLUE variable to off (255 for common anode)
ledRed.digitalWrite(1); // Turn RED LED off
ledGreen.digitalWrite(1); // Turn GREEN LED off
ledBlue.digitalWrite(1); // Turn BLUE LED off
http.listen(8080); //listen to port 8080
function handler (req, res) { //what to do on requests to port 8080
fs.readFile(__dirname + '/public/rgb.html', function(err, data) { //read file rgb.html in public folder
if (err) {
res.writeHead(404, {'Content-Type': 'text/html'}); //display 404 on error
return res.end("404 Not Found");
res.writeHead(200, {'Content-Type': 'text/html'}); //write HTML
res.write(data); //write data from rgb.html
return res.end();
io.sockets.on('connection', function (socket) {// Web Socket Connection
socket.on('rgbLed', function(data) { //get light switch status from client
console.log(data); //output data from WebSocket connection to console
//for common anode RGB LED 255 is fully off, and 0 is fully on, so we have to change the value from the client
console.log("rbg: " + redRGB + ", " + greenRGB + ", " + blueRGB); //output converted to console
ledRed.pwmWrite(redRGB); //set RED LED to specified value
ledGreen.pwmWrite(greenRGB); //set GREEN LED to specified value
ledBlue.pwmWrite(blueRGB); //set BLUE LED to specified value
process.on('SIGINT', function () { //on ctrl+c
ledRed.digitalWrite(1); // Turn RED LED off
ledGreen.digitalWrite(1); // Turn GREEN LED off
ledBlue.digitalWrite(1); // Turn BLUE LED off
process.exit(); //exit completely
保存代码。确认使用 "y
",并确认名称使用 "Enter
现在是时候添加允许用户通过 WebSocket 输入的 HTML 了。
pi@w3demopi:~/nodetest $ cd public
并创建一个 HTML 文件 rgb.html:
pi@w3demopi:~/nodetest/public $ nano rgb.html
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://www.91xjr.com/w3css/4/w3.css">
.slider {
-webkit-appearance: none;
width: 100%;
height: 15px;
border-radius: 5px;
background: #d3d3d3;
outline: none;
opacity: 0.7;
-webkit-transition: .2s;
transition: opacity .2s;
.slider:hover {opacity: 1;}
.slider::-webkit-slider-thumb {
-webkit-appearance: none;
appearance: none;
width: 25px;
height: 25px;
border-radius: 50%;
cursor: pointer;
.slider::-moz-range-thumb {
width: 25px;
height: 25px;
border-radius: 50%;
background: #4CAF50;
cursor: pointer;
#redSlider::-webkit-slider-thumb {background: red;}
#redSlider::-moz-range-thumb {background: red;}
#greenSlider::-webkit-slider-thumb {background: green;}
#greenSlider::-moz-range-thumb {background: green;}
#blueSlider::-webkit-slider-thumb {background: blue;}
#blueSlider::-moz-range-thumb {background: blue;}
<div class="w3-container">
<h1>RGB Color</h1>
<div class="w3-cell-row">
<div class="w3-container w3-cell w3-mobile">
<p><input type="range" min="0" max="255" value="0" class="slider" id="redSlider"></p>
<p><input type="range" min="0" max="255" value="0" class="slider" id="greenSlider"></p>
<p><input type="range" min="0" max="255" value="0" class="slider" id="blueSlider"></p>
<div class="w3-container w3-cell w3-mobile" style="background-color:black" id="colorShow">
<p>Or pick a color: <input type="color" id="pickColor"></p>
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/socket.io/2.0.3/socket.io.js"></script>
<script src="https://www.91xjr.com/lib/w3color.js"></script>
var socket = io(); //load socket.io-client and connect to the host that serves the page
var rgb = w3color("rgb(0,0,0)"); //we use the w3color.js library to keep the color as an object
window.addEventListener("load", function(){ //when page loads
var rSlider = document.getElementById("redSlider");
var gSlider = document.getElementById("greenSlider");
var bSlider = document.getElementById("blueSlider");
var picker = document.getElementById("pickColor");
rSlider.addEventListener("change", function() { //add event listener for when red slider changes
rgb.red = this.value; //update the RED color according to the slider
colorShow.style.backgroundColor = rgb.toRgbString(); //update the "Current color"
socket.emit("rgbLed", rgb); //send the updated color to RGB LED via WebSocket
gSlider.addEventListener("change", function() { //add event listener for when green slider changes
rgb.green = this.value; //update the GREEN color according to the slider
colorShow.style.backgroundColor = rgb.toRgbString(); //update the "Current color"
socket.emit("rgbLed", rgb); //send the updated color to RGB LED via WebSocket
bSlider.addEventListener("change", function() { //add event listener for when blue slider changes
rgb.blue = this.value; //update the BLUE color according to the slider
colorShow.style.backgroundColor = rgb.toRgbString(); //update the "Current color"
socket.emit("rgbLed", rgb); //send the updated color to RGB LED via WebSocket
picker.addEventListener("input", function() { //add event listener for when colorpicker changes
rgb.red = w3color(this.value).red; //Update the RED color according to the picker
rgb.green = w3color(this.value).green; //Update the GREEN color according to the picker
rgb.blue = w3color(this.value).blue; //Update the BLUE color according to the picker
colorShow.style.backgroundColor = rgb.toRgbString(); //update the "Current color"
rSlider.value = rgb.red; //Update the RED slider position according to the picker
gSlider.value = rgb.green; //Update the GREEN slider position according to the picker
bSlider.value = rgb.blue; //Update the BLUE slider position according to the picker
socket.emit("rgbLed", rgb); //send the updated color to RGB LED via WebSocket
返回"nodetest" 文件夹:
pi@w3demopi:~/nodetest $ cd ..
pi@w3demopi:~ $ sudo node rgbws.js
笔记:由于 "pigpio" 模块使用 Pigpio C 库,因此需要 root/sudo 权限才能访问硬件外设(如 GPIO)。
使用 http://[RaspberryPi_IP]:8080/ 在浏览器中打开网站
现在 RGB LED 应该根据用户输入改变颜色。