The PHP variable handling functions are part of the PHP core. No installation is required to use these functions.
Function | Description |
boolval() | Returns the boolean value of a variable |
debug_zval_dump() | Dumps a string representation of an internal zend value to output |
doubleval() | Alias of floatval() |
empty() | Checks whether a variable is empty |
floatval() | Returns the float value of a variable |
get_defined_vars() | Returns all defined variables, as an array |
get_resource_type() | Returns the type of a resource |
gettype() | Returns the type of a variable |
intval() | Returns the integer value of a variable |
is_array() | Checks whether a variable is an array |
is_bool() | Checks whether a variable is a boolean |
is_callable() | Checks whether the contents of a variable can be called as a function |
is_countable() | Checks whether the contents of a variable is a countable value |
is_double() | Alias of is_float() |
is_float() | Checks whether a variable is of type float |
is_int() | Checks whether a variable is of type integer |
is_integer() | Alias of is_int() |
is_iterable() | Checks whether the contents of a variable is an iterable value |
is_long() | Alias of is_int() |
is_null() | Checks whether a variable is NULL |
is_numeric() | Checks whether a variable is a number or a numeric string |
is_object() | Checks whether a variable is an object |
is_real() | Alias of is_float() |
is_resource() | Checks whether a variable is a resource |
is_scalar() | Checks whether a variable is a scalar |
is_string() | Checks whether a variable is of type string |
isset() | Checks whether a variable is set (declared and not NULL) |
print_r() | Prints the information about a variable in a human-readable way |
serialize() | Converts a storable representation of a value |
settype() | Converts a variable to a specific type |
strval() | Returns the string value of a variable |
unserialize() | Converts serialized data back into actual data |
unset() | Unsets a variable |
var_dump() | Dumps information about one or more variables |
var_export() | Returns structured information (valid PHP code) about a variable |