
PHP var_dump() Function

❮ PHP Variable Handling Reference


Dump information about different variables:

$a = 32;
echo var_dump($a) . "<br>";

$b = "Hello world!";
echo var_dump($b) . "<br>";

$c = 32.5;
echo var_dump($c) . "<br>";

$d = array("red", "green", "blue");
echo var_dump($d) . "<br>";

$e = array(32, "Hello world!", 32.5, array("red", "green", "blue"));
echo var_dump($e) . "<br>";

// Dump two variables
echo var_dump($a, $b) . "<br>";
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Definition and Usage

The var_dump() function dumps information about one or more variables. The information holds type and value of the variable(s).


var_dump( var1, var2, ...);

Parameter Values

Parameter Description
var1, var2, ... Required. Specifies the variable(s) to dump information from

Technical Details

Return Value: Nothing
Return Type: -
PHP Version: 4.0+

❮ PHP Variable Handling Reference