
PHP Network Functions

PHP Network Introduction

The Network functions contains various network function and let you manipulate information sent to the browser by the Web server, before any other output has been sent.


The Network functions are part of the PHP core. There is no installation needed to use these functions.

PHP Network Functions

Function Description
checkdnsrr() Checks DNS records for type corresponding to host
closelog() Closes the connection of system logger
define_syslog_variables() Deprecated and removed in PHP 5.4. Initializes the variables used in syslog functions
dns_check_record() Alias of checkdnsrr()
dns_get_mx() Alias of getmxrr()
dns_get_record() Gets the DNS resource records associated with the specified hostname
fsockopen() Opens an Internet or Unix domain socket connection
gethostbyaddr() Returns the domain name for a given IP address
gethostbyname() Returns the IPv4 address for a given domain/host name
gethostbynamel() Returns a list of IPv4 address for a given domain/host name
gethostname() Returns the host name
getmxrr() Returns the MX records for the specified internet host name
getprotobyname() Returns the protocol number for a given protocol name
getprotobynumber()      Returns the protocol name for a given protocol number
getservbyname() Returns the port number for a given Internet service and protocol
getservbyport() Returns the Internet service for a given port and protocol
header_register_callback() Calls a header function
header_remove() Removes an HTTP header previously set with the header() function
header() Sends a raw HTTP header to a client
headers_list() Returns a list of response headers to be sent to the browser
headers_sent() Checks if/where headers have been sent
http_response_code() Sets or returns the HTTP response status code
inet_ntop() Converts a 32bit IPv4 or 128bit IPv6 address into a readable format
inet_pton() Converts a readable IP address into a packed 32bit IPv4 or 128bit IPv6 format
ip2long() Converts an IPv4 address into a long integer
long2ip() Converts a long integer address into a string in IPv4 format
openlog() Opens the connection of system logger
pfsockopen() Opens a persistent Internet or Unix domain socket connection
setcookie() Defines a cookie to be sent along with the rest of the HTTP headers
setrawcookie() Defines a cookie (without URL encoding) to be sent along with the rest of the HTTP headers
socket_get_status() Alias of stream_get_meta_data()
socket_set_blocking() Alias of stream_set_blocking()
socket_set_timeout() Alias of stream_set_timeout()
syslog() Generates a system log message