
PHP strtr() Function

❮ PHP String Reference


Replace the characters "ia" in the string with "eo":

echo strtr("Hilla Warld","ia","eo");
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Definition and Usage

The strtr() function translates certain characters in a string.

Note: If the from and to parameters are different in length, both will be formatted to the length of the shortest.


strtr( string,from,to)


strtr( string,array)

Parameter Values

Parameter Description
string Required. Specifies the string to translate
from Required (unless array is used). Specifies what characters to change
to Required (unless array is used). Specifies what characters to change into
array Required (unless to and from is used). An array containing what to change from as key, and what to change to as value

Technical Details

Return Value: Returns the translated string.
If the array parameter contains a key which is an empty string (""), it will return FALSE.
PHP Version: 4+

More Examples


Replace the string "Hello world" with "Hi earth":

$arr = array("Hello" => "Hi", "world" => "earth");
echo strtr("Hello world",$arr);
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❮ PHP String Reference