A Map holds key-value pairs where the keys can be any datatype.
A Map remembers the original insertion order of the keys.
A Map has a property that represents the size of the map.
Method | Description |
new Map() | Creates a new Map object |
set() | Sets the value for a key in a Map |
get() | Gets the value for a key in a Map |
clear() | Removes all the elements from a Map |
delete() | Removes a Map element specified by a key |
has() | Returns true if a key exists in a Map |
forEach() | Invokes a callback for each key/value pair in a Map |
entries() | Returns an iterator object with the [key, value] pairs in a Map |
keys() | Returns an iterator object with the keys in a Map |
values() | Returns an iterator object of the values in a Map |
Property | Description |
size | Returns the number of Map elements |
You can create a JavaScript Map by:
new Map()
You can create a Map by passing an Array to the new Map()
// Create a Map
const fruits = new Map([
["apples", 500],
["bananas", 300],
["oranges", 200]
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You can add elements to a Map with the set()
// Create a Map
const fruits = new Map();
// Set Map Values
fruits.set("apples", 500);
fruits.set("bananas", 300);
fruits.set("oranges", 200);
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The set()
method can also be used to change existing Map values:
The get()
method gets the value of a key in a Map:
The size
property returns the number of elements in a Map:
The delete()
method removes a Map element:
The clear()
method removes all the elements from a Map:
The has()
method returns true if a key exists in a Map:
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returns object:
Map returns true:
Object | Map |
Not directly iterable | Directly iterable |
Do not have a size property | Have a size property |
Keys must be Strings (or Symbols) | Keys can be any datatype |
Keys are not well ordered | Keys are ordered by insertion |
Have default keys | Do not have default keys |
The forEach()
method invokes a callback for each key/value pair in a Map:
// List all entries
let text = "";
fruits.forEach (function(value, key) {
text += key + ' = ' + value;
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The entries()
method returns an iterator object with the [key,values] in a Map:
// List all entries
let text = "";
for (const x of fruits.entries()) {
text += x;
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The keys()
method returns an iterator object with the keys in a Map:
// List all keys
let text = "";
for (const x of fruits.keys()) {
text += x;
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The values()
method returns an iterator object with the values in a Map:
// List all values
let text = "";
for (const x of fruits.values()) {
text += x;
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You can use the values()
method to sum the values in a Map:
// Sum all values
let total = 0;
for (const x of fruits.values()) {
total += x;
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Being able to use objects as keys is an important Map feature.
// Create Objects
const apples = {name: 'Apples'};
const bananas = {name: 'Bananas'};
const oranges = {name: 'Oranges'};
// Create a Map
const fruits = new Map();
// Add new Elements to the Map
fruits.set(apples, 500);
fruits.set(bananas, 300);
fruits.set(oranges, 200);
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Remember: The key is an object (apples), not a string ("apples"):
JavaScript Maps are supported in all browsers, except Internet Explorer:
Chrome | Edge | Firefox | Safari | Opera |