Bootstrap4 JS 按钮

按钮 CSS 类

有关按钮的教程,请阅读我们的Bootstrap 按钮教程

下面的类可用于设置任何 <a>、<button> 或 <input> 元素的样式:

Class Description Example
.btn Adds basic styling to any button 尝试一下
.btn-block Makes a block-level button (spans the full width of the parent element) 尝试一下
.btn-danger Indicates a dangerous or potentially negative action 尝试一下
.btn-dark Dark grey button 尝试一下
.btn-default Indicates a default/standard button 尝试一下
.btn-info Contextual button for informational alert messages 尝试一下
.btn-lg Makes a large button 尝试一下
.btn-light Light grey button 尝试一下
.btn-link Makes a button look like a link (will still have button behavior) 尝试一下
.btn-outline-* Creates an outlined/bordered button. Use any of the contextual classes as * (btn-outline-primary, btn-outline-success, etc) 尝试一下
.btn-primary Provides extra visual weight and identifies the primary action in a set of buttons 尝试一下
.btn-sm Makes a small button 尝试一下
.btn-success Indicates a successful or positive action 尝试一下
.btn-secondary Indicates a "less" important action 尝试一下
.btn-toolbar Combine sets of button groups into button toolbars for more complex components 尝试一下
.btn-warning Indicates caution should be taken with this action 尝试一下
.active Makes the button appear pressed 尝试一下
.disabled Makes the button disabled 尝试一下








笔记:方法也可以通过数据属性传递;将方法名称附加到 data-,如 data-toggle 或 data-dispose 中。

Method Description 尝试一下
.button("toggle") Makes the button look pressed 尝试一下
.button("dispose") Destroys an element's button