The keystone of AJAX is the XMLHttpRequest object.
All modern browsers support the XMLHttpRequest object.
The XMLHttpRequest object can be used to exchange data with a server behind the scenes. This means that it is possible to update parts of a web page, without reloading the whole page.
All modern browsers (Chrome, Firefox, Edge (and IE7+), Safari, Opera) have a built-in XMLHttpRequest object.
Syntax for creating an XMLHttpRequest object:
variable = new XMLHttpRequest();
The "ajax_info.txt" file used in the example above, is a simple text file and looks like this:
<p>AJAX is not a programming language.</p>
<p>AJAX is a technique for accessing web servers from a web page.</p>
<p>AJAX stands for Asynchronous JavaScript And XML.</p>
For security reasons, modern browsers do not allow access across domains.
This means that both the web page and the XML file it tries to load, must be located on the same server.
The examples on 91xjr all open XML files located on the 91xjr domain.
If you want to use the example above on one of your own web pages, the XML files you load must be located on your own server.
Method | Description |
new XMLHttpRequest() | Creates a new XMLHttpRequest object |
abort() | Cancels the current request |
getAllResponseHeaders() | Returns header information |
getResponseHeader() | Returns specific header information |
open(method,url,async,user,psw) | Specifies the request method: the request type GET or POST url: the file location async: true (asynchronous) or false (synchronous) user: optional user name psw: optional password |
send() | Sends the request to the server Used for GET requests |
send(string) | Sends the request to the server. Used for POST requests |
setRequestHeader() | Adds a label/value pair to the header to be sent |
Property | Description |
onreadystatechange | Defines a function to be called when the readyState property changes |
readyState | Holds the status of the XMLHttpRequest. 0: request not initialized 1: server connection established 2: request received 3: processing request 4: request finished and response is ready |
responseText | Returns the response data as a string |
responseXML | Returns the response data as XML data |
status | Returns the status-number of a request 200: "OK" 403: "Forbidden" 404: "Not Found" For a complete list go to the Http Messages Reference |
statusText | Returns the status-text (e.g. "OK" or "Not Found") |