VUE 入门
VUE 指令
VUE 方法
VUE 计算属性
VUE 观察者
VUE 扩展
VUE 组件
VUE 插槽
VUE 引用
VUE 生命周期钩子
VUE 提供/注入
VUE 路由
VUE 动画
VUE 构建



Props are used to send data from the parent element to the child component, and $emit() is used to to pass information from the child component to the parent.
Props are used to send data from the parent element to the child component, and emit() is used to to pass information from the child component to the parent.
Props are used to send data from the parent element to the child component, and $emit is used to to pass information from the child component to the parent.
Props are used to send data from the parent element to the child component, and emit is used to to pass information from the child component to the parent.


点击 此处 重试


下一题 ❯
Props are used to send data 
from the parent element to the child component, 
and  is used to to pass information 
from the child component to the parent.

