Sass 字符串是从 1 开始的。字符串中的第一个字符位于索引 1,而不是 0。
下表列出了 Sass 中的所有字符串函数:
Function | Description & Example |
quote(string) | Adds quotes to string, and returns the result. Example: quote(Hello world!) Result: "Hello world!" |
str-index(string, substring) | Returns the index of the first occurrence of the substring within string. Example: str-index("Hello world!", "H") Result: 1 |
str-insert(string, insert, index) | Returns string with insert inserted at the specified index position. Example: str-insert("Hello world!", " wonderful", 6) Result: "Hello wonderful world!" |
str-length(string) | Returns the length of string (in characters). Example: str-length("Hello world!") Result: 12 |
str-slice(string, start, end) | Extracts characters from string; start at start and end at end, and returns the slice. Example: str-slice("Hello world!", 2, 5) Result: "ello" |
to-lower-case(string) | Returns a copy of string converted to lower case. Example: to-lower-case("Hello World!") Result: "hello world!" |
to-upper-case(string) | Returns a copy of string converted to upper case. Example: to-upper-case("Hello World!") Result: "HELLO WORLD!" |
unique-id() | Returns a unique randomly generated unquoted string (guaranteed to be unique within the current sass session). Example: unique-id() Result: tyghefnsv |
unquote(string) | Removes quotes around string (if any), and returns the result. Example: unquote("Hello world!") Result: Hello world! |