Django Prepare Template

Create Template

After creating Models, with the fields and data we want in them, it is time to display the data in a web page.

Start by creating an HTML file named all_members.html and place it in the /templates/ folder:


<!DOCTYPE html>

  {% for x in mymembers %}
    <li>{{ x.firstname }} {{ x.lastname }}</li>
  {% endfor %}


Do you see the {% %} brackets inside the HTML document?

They are Django Tags, telling Django to perform some programming logic inside these brackets.

You will learn more about Django Tags in our Django Tags chapter.

Modify View

Next we need to make the model data available in the template. This is done in the view.

In the view we have to import the Member model, and send it to the template like this:


from django.http import HttpResponse
from django.template import loader
from .models import Member

def members(request):
  mymembers = Member.objects.all().values()
  template = loader.get_template('all_members.html')
  context = {
    'mymembers': mymembers,
  return HttpResponse(template.render(context, request))
Run Example »

The members view does the following:

  • Creates a mymembers object with all the values of the Member model.
  • Loads the all_members.html template.
  • Creates an object containing the mymembers object.
  • Sends the object to the template.
  • Outputs the HTML that is rendered by the template.

The Result

We have created an example so that you can see the result:

Run Example »

If you have followed all the steps on your own computer, you can see the result in your own browser:

Start the server by navigating to the /my_tennis_club/ folder and execute this command:

py runserver

In the browser window, type in the address bar.