There are many providers out there that can host Django projects and PostgreSQL databases.
In this tutorial we will use the Amazon Web Services (AWS) platform, mainly because they offer a free solution that can host both Django projects and PostgreSQL databases. All you need is an AWS account.
Note: you can choose whatever server provider you like, they will most likely all give you a satisfying result, but they will have some provider-specific settings that you should be aware of when following this tutorial.
Go to, and create an account:
Once you have created an AWS account, it is time to sign in for the first time:
If this is your first time you sign into your AWS account, you will be directed to the AWS Console Home page:
Once you have an AWS account, you can start creating a database.
We will use a database service at AWS, called RDS.
In the search field, search for "RDS", and click to start the service:
Once the service has started, you should see something like this:
In the next chapter we will create the PostgreSQL database.