The CSS object-position
property is used to specify how an <img> or <video> should be positioned within its container.
Look at the following image from Paris, which is 400x300 pixels:
Next, we use object-fit: cover;
to keep the aspect ratio and to fill the given dimension. However, the image will be clipped to fit, like this:
Let's say that the part of the image that is shown, is not positioned as we want. To position the image, we will use the object-position
Here we will use the object-position
property to position the image so that the great old building is in center:
img {
width: 200px;
height: 300px;
object-fit: cover;
object-position: 80% 100%;
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Here we will use the object-position
property to position the image so that the famous Eiffel Tower is in center:
img {
width: 200px;
height: 300px;
object-fit: cover;
object-position: 15% 100%;
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The following table lists the CSS object-* properties:
Property | Description |
object-fit | Specifies how an <img> or <video> should be resized to fit its container |
object-position | Specifies how an <img> or <video> should be positioned with x/y coordinates inside its "own content box" |