async function trainModel(model, inputs, labels, surface) {
const batchSize = 25;
const epochs = 100;
const callbacks =, ['loss'], {callbacks:['onEpochEnd']})
return await, labels,
{batchSize, epochs, shuffle:true, callbacks:callbacks}
epochs defines how many iterations (loops) the model will do. is the function that runs the loops.
callbacks defines the callback function to call when the model wants to redraw the graphics.
When a model is trained, it is important to test and evaluate it.
We do this by inspecting what the model predicts for a range of different inputs.
But, before we can do that, we have to un-normalize the data:
let unX = tf.linspace(0, 1, 100);
let unY = model.predict(unX.reshape([100, 1]));
const unNormunX = unX.mul(inputMax.sub(inputMin)).add(inputMin);
const unNormunY = unY.mul(labelMax.sub(labelMin)).add(labelMin);
unX = unNormunX.dataSync();
unY = unNormunY.dataSync();
Then we can look at the result:
const predicted = Array.from(unX).map((val, i) => {
return {x: val, y: unY[i]}
// Plot the Result
tfPlot([values, predicted], surface1)