HTML <search> Tag


Surround the search form with a search element:

    <input name="fsrch" id="fsrch" placeholder="Search 91xjr">
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Definition and Usage

The <search> tag is used to specify that here comes a set of elements that is related to search.

Elements inside a <search> elements can typically be form elements used to perform a search.

Note: The <search> element does not render as anything special in a browser. However, you can use CSS to style the <search> element and its content.

Browser Support

<search> Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

Global Attributes

TThe <search> tag also supports the Global Attributes in HTML./p>

Event Attributes

TThe <search> tag also supports the Event Attributes in HTML./p>

Related Pages

The <form> Tag.

The <input> Tag.

Default CSS Settings

MMost browsers will display the <search> element with the following default values:


search {
  display: block;
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