PostgreSQL WHERE - Filter Data

Filter Records

The WHERE clause is used to filter records.

It is used to extract only those records that fulfill a specified condition.

If we want to return only the records where city is London, we can specify that in the WHERE clause:


SELECT * FROM customers
WHERE city = 'London';
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Text Fields vs. Numeric Fields

PostgreSQL requires quotes around text values.

However, numeric fields should not be enclosed in quotes:


SELECT * FROM customers
WHERE customer_id = 19;
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Quotes around numeric fields will not fail, but it is good practice to always write numeric values without quotes.

Greater than

Use the > operator to return all records where customer_id is greater than 80:


SELECT * FROM customers
WHERE customer_id > 80;
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Quotes around numeric fields will not fail, but it is good practice to always write numeric values without quotes.

PostgreSQL Exercises

Test Yourself With Exercises


Write the correct SQL statement to select all records from the customers table where the city value is "Berlin":

SELECT * FROM customers

Start the Exercise