SVG stands for Scalable Vector Graphics.
SVG defines vector-based graphics in XML format.
With our "Try it Yourself" editor, you can edit the SVG, and click on a button to view the result.
<h1>My first SVG</h1>
<svg width="100" height="100">
<circle cx="50" cy="50" r="40" stroke="green" stroke-width="4" fill="yellow" />
Try it Yourself »
Before you continue, you should have some basic understanding of the following:
If you want to study these subjects first, find the tutorials on our Home page.
SVG 1.0 became a W3C Recommendation on 4 September 2001.
SVG 1.1 became a W3C Recommendation on 14 January 2003.
SVG 1.1 (Second Edition) became a W3C Recommendation on 16 August 2011.
Advantages of using SVG over other image formats (like JPEG and GIF) are:
SVG images can be created with any text editor, but it is often more convenient to create SVG images with a drawing program, like Inkscape.