The examples below embed the SVG code directly into the HTML code.
This is supported by Firefox, Internet Explorer 9, Google Chrome, Opera, and Safari.
A circle
A rectangle
A rectangle with opacity
A rectangle with opacity 2
A rectangle with rounded corners
An ellipse
Three ellipses on top of each other
Two ellipses
A line
A polygon with three sides
A polygon with four sides
A star
Another star
A polyline
Another polyline
A path
A quadratic Bézier curve
Write a text
Rotate a text
Text on several lines
Text as a link
Defines the color of a line, text or outline (stroke)
Defines the width of a line, text or outline (stroke-width)
Defines different types of endings to an open path (stroke-linecap)
Defines dashed lines (stroke-dasharray)
feGaussianBlur - blur effect
feOffset - offset a rectangle, then blend the original on top of the offset image
feOffset - blur the offset image
feOffset - make the shadow black
feOffset - treat the shadow as a color
A feBlend filter
Filter 1
Filter 2
Filter 3
Filter 4
Filter 5
Filter 6
An ellipse with a horizontal linear gradient from yellow to red
An ellipse with a vertical linear gradient from yellow to red
An ellipse with a horizontal linear gradient from yellow to red, and a text
An ellipse with a radial gradient from white to blue
Another ellipse with a radial gradient from white to blue
Rectangle that repeatedly fade away over 5 seconds
A growing rectangle that will change color
Three rectangles that will change color
Move text along a motion path
Move, rotate, and scale text along a motion path
Move, rotate, and scale text along a motion path + a growing rectangle that will change color
Rotating ellipses