Correlation measures the numerical relationship between two variables.
A high correlation coefficient (close to 1), does not mean that we can for sure conclude an actual relationship between two variables.
A classic example:
Does this mean that increase of ice cream sale is a direct cause of increased drowning accidents?
Here, we constructed a fictional data set for you to try:
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
Drowning_Accident = [20,40,60,80,100,120,140,160,180,200]
Ice_Cream_Sale = [20,40,60,80,100,120,140,160,180,200]
Drowning = {"Drowning_Accident": [20,40,60,80,100,120,140,160,180,200],
"Ice_Cream_Sale": [20,40,60,80,100,120,140,160,180,200]}
Drowning = pd.DataFrame(data=Drowning)
Drowning.plot(x="Ice_Cream_Sale", y="Drowning_Accident", kind="scatter")
correlation_beach = Drowning.corr()
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In other words: can we use ice cream sale to predict drowning accidents?
The answer is - Probably not.
It is likely that these two variables are accidentally correlating with each other.
What causes drowning then?
Let us reverse the argument:
Does a low correlation coefficient (close to zero) mean that change in x does not affect y?
Back to the question:
The answer is no.
There is an important difference between correlation and causality:
Tip: Always critically reflect over the concept of causality when doing predictions!