The ADO Stream Object is used to read, write, and manage a stream of binary data or text.
A Stream object can be obtained in three ways:
Property | Description |
CharSet | Sets or returns a value that specifies into which character set the contents are to be translated. This property is only used with text Stream objects (type is adTypeText) |
EOS | Returns whether the current position is at the end of the stream or not |
LineSeparator | Sets or returns the line separator character used in a text Stream object |
Mode | Sets or returns the available permissions for modifying data |
Position | Sets or returns the current position (in bytes) from the beginning of a Stream object |
Size | Returns the size of an open Stream object |
State | Returns a value describing if the Stream object is open or closed |
Type | Sets or returns the type of data in a Stream object |
Method | Description |
Cancel | Cancels an execution of an Open call on a Stream object |
Close | Closes a Stream object |
CopyTo | Copies a specified number of characters/bytes from one Stream object into another Stream object |
Flush | Sends the contents of the Stream buffer to the associated underlying object |
LoadFromFile | Loads the contents of a file into a Stream object |
Open | Opens a Stream object |
Read | Reads the entire stream or a specified number of bytes from a binary Stream object |
ReadText | Reads the entire stream, a line, or a specified number of characters from a text Stream object |
SaveToFile | Saves the binary contents of a Stream object to a file |
SetEOS | Sets the current position to be the end of the stream (EOS) |
SkipLine | Skips a line when reading a text Stream |
Write | Writes binary data to a binary Stream object |
WriteText | Writes character data to a text Stream object |