
MySQL INSERT() Function

❮ MySQL Functions


Insert the string "Example" into the string "91xjr.com". Replace the first nine characters:

SELECT INSERT("91xjr.com", 1, 9, "Example");
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Definition and Usage

The INSERT() function inserts a string within a string at the specified position and for a certain number of characters.


INSERT( string, position, number, string2)

Parameter Values

Parameter Description
string Required. The string that will be modified
position Required. The position where to insert string2
number Required. The number of characters to replace
string2 Required. The string to insert into string

Return Values

  • If position is outside the length of string, this function returns string
  • If number is higher than the length of the rest of the string, this function replaces string from position until the end of string

Technical Details

Works in: From MySQL 4.0

More Examples


Insert the string "no" into the string "91xjr.com". Replace three characters, starting from position 11:

SELECT INSERT("91xjr.com", 11, 3, "no");
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❮ MySQL Functions