Kotlin Output (Print Text)

Kotlin Output (Print)

The println() function is used to output values/print text:


fun main() {
  println("Hello World")
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You can add as many println() functions as you want. Note that it will add a new line for each function:


fun main() {
  println("Hello World!")
  println("I am learning Kotlin.")
  println("It is awesome!")
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You can also print numbers, and perform mathematical calculations:


fun main() {
  println(3 + 3)
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The print() function

There is also a print() function, which is similar to println(). The only difference is that it does not insert a new line at the end of the output:


fun main() {
  print("Hello World! ")
  print("I am learning Kotlin. ")
  print("It is awesome!")
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Note that we have added a space character to create a space between the sentences.