
Java Strings

Java Strings

Strings are used for storing text.

A String variable contains a collection of characters surrounded by double quotes:


Create a variable of type String and assign it a value:

String greeting = "Hello";

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String Length

A String in Java is actually an object, which contain methods that can perform certain operations on strings. For example, the length of a string can be found with the length() method:


System.out.println("The length of the txt string is: " + txt.length());

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More String Methods

There are many string methods available, for example toUpperCase() and toLowerCase():


String txt = "Hello World";
System.out.println(txt.toUpperCase());   // Outputs "HELLO WORLD"
System.out.println(txt.toLowerCase());   // Outputs "hello world"

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Finding a Character in a String

The indexOf() method returns the index (the position) of the first occurrence of a specified text in a string (including whitespace):


String txt = "Please locate where 'locate' occurs!";
System.out.println(txt.indexOf("locate")); // Outputs 7

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Java counts positions from zero.
0 is the first position in a string, 1 is the second, 2 is the third ...

Complete String Reference

For a complete reference of String methods, go to our Java String Methods Reference.

The reference contains descriptions and examples of all string methods.

Test Yourself With Exercises


Fill in the missing part to create a greeting variable of type String and assign it the value Hello.

 greeting = ;

Start the Exercise