Bootstrap 4 has some contextual classes that can be used to provide "meaning through colors".
The classes for text colors are: .text-muted
, .text-primary
, .text-success
, .text-info
, .text-warning
, .text-danger
, .text-secondary
, .text-white
, .text-dark
, .text-body
(default body color/often black) and .text-light
This text is muted.
This text is important.
This text indicates success.
This text represents some information.
This text represents a warning.
This text represents danger.
Secondary text.
Dark grey text.
Body text.
Light grey text.
Contextual text classes can also be used on links, which will add a darker hover color:
You can also add 50% opacity for black or white text with the .text-black-50
or .text-white-50
Black text with 50% opacity on white background
White text with 50% opacity on black background
The classes for background colors are: .bg-primary
, .bg-success
, .bg-info
, .bg-warning
, .bg-danger
, .bg-secondary
, .bg-dark
and .bg-light
Note that background colors do not set the text color, so in some cases you'll want to use them together with a .text-*
This text is important.
This text indicates success.
This text represents some information.
This text represents a warning.
This text represents danger.
Secondary background color.
Dark grey background color.
Light grey background color.