AWS Cloud Elastic Load Balancing

Elastic Load Balancing

Traffic can be directed with Elastic Load Balancing.

Directing Traffic with Elastic Load Balancing Video collaborates with Amazon Web Services to deliver digital training content to our students.

Elastic Load Balancing Service

This service distributes application traffic across services.

The Load Balancer is a single point of contact for incoming web traffic.

The single point of contact means that the traffic hits the Load Balancer first, spreading out the load between the resources.

The balancer accepts requests and directs them to the appropriate instances.

It ensures that one resource won't get overloaded, and that the traffic is spread out.

AWS EC2 and Elastic Load Balancing are two different services that work well together.

AWS ELB is built to support increased traffic without increasing the hourly cost.

AWS ELB scales automatically.

Load Allocation

The service allocates incoming traffic between the available resources.

The principle is the same with both high and low demand periods.

It will allocate between what is available at any time.

AWS Cloud Exercises

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What is the Elastic Load Balancing service a single point of contact for?

Incoming  traffic

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